Another Basque History (The Other Gondras)

Los otros Gondra (Relato vasco)
by Borja Ortiz de Gondra (Spain), 2019
Three female, three male.


The award-winning sequel to A Basque History (The Gondras).

2018.  A playwright returns to his Basque homeland from New York, to collect an award for his hit play, an epic tale of historical strife and family conflict inspired by the story of his family.  After years of estrangement, the homecoming brings relief, pride, and a sense of belonging.  But when a long-lost cousin appears at the ceremony, confronting him with the damage done by his much-lauded writings, the sense of closure is quickly undone.  Desperate to make amends, heal wounds and finally learn the truth, he sets out once more to ask questions, uncover secrets, and bring about reconciliation.  But the bitterness runs deep, history weighs heavy, and family reality defies fiction’s ambition to make sense of fact.

You’ve been away for thirty years. You hadn’t worried for one second about your brother or what happened to him. And then suddenly you run out of inspiration, you have the bright idea of putting us all in a play, it’s a big hit, and you think that gives you the right to decide for the rest of us. Well, that’s not how things work, son. We’re the ones who’ve always been here, suffering every day because of things you know nothing about.

Another Basque History is the second part in Borja Ortiz de Gondra’s landmark trilogy (read about parts one and three, also available in full English translation).  It has been translated thanks to the support of the Fundación SGAE.  It won the prestigious Lope de Vega Award for playwriting, and premiered at the Teatro Español, Madrid, before touring nationally.

Contact me for more details.  

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